Current Projects
A project our company is currently undergoing is the Simplification project. We have gone over this during our presentation to the class. The simplification project is a way to help Wegmans cut costs and become more organized.
The system works off of a checklist, rather than net diagrams and the sort. Each department in the store has monthly inspections to make sure they are following the standard protocols. The departments are tallied out of twenty based upon such things as the organization of the department, ease of access to tools and utilities and safety violations.
A score of twenty means the department passed the simplification walkthrough. A score of seventeen and up is acceptable but we strive to have each department become a twenty.
Other Projects
Other projects Wegmans focuses on include promotional advertising projects, employee appreciation projects and coordinated city event planning projects.
These projects are very self explanitory and show that Wegmans cares about thier employees and their community in which the business operates.